Bellagangi Art House


Bellagangi Apartman


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1. Cosy rental house (Gellért Miklós) 2017-10-16 20:45:49

The house is in the heart of Gangi, a historic sicilian town with narrow streets and lovely sights. The main sights and the main square are close to the house. The local contact of the owner was very friendly and helpful. He speaks italian and english and can help you with restaurant reservations or just recommend you the best places to visit in the area. We spent 5 days in Gangi and traveled Sicily with a rented car.

2. Amazing (Giulietta) 2017-10-16 17:23:49

Gangi is amazing, this little town is the best place to relax and enjoy the time abroad. The house has five floors and it's really big, the 3 bedroom is very comfortable, the kitchen is in the fifth floor and it' s very cute. We spent there 5days and it wasn't eniugh to look everything and try all of the tradition foods. I would like to return in every summer

3. 5 days in Gangi (Fruzsina Tőkés) 2017-10-16 14:17:06

We spent 5 full days in Casa Bella, and it was unforgettable. Gangi is simply beautiful, a lovely village in the middle of the Sicilian mountains. Our apartment - with 5 floors, and 2 bathrooms - was located in the old town of Gangi (but the whole city is pretty old, but beautiful). Casa Bella - according to its name is a true beauty, super equipped, uniquely designed and everything is implemented professionally. I'm very glad for this few unforgettable days in Casa Bella!

4. Ház a hegytetőn (Kardos Anna) 2016-06-01 17:41:04

Négy napot töltöttünk Gangiban – és szuper volt minden. A bérelt autónkat a szerpentin végén hagytuk, onnan kb. 3 perc séta a ház – feltéve, ha a jó úton indultok el. (Mi először eltévedtünk:) … A szállás remek volt, a ház tiszta és csinos, tele ötletes megoldásokkal. Nem hiányzott semmi, a konyha is kiválóan felszerelt, még narancsfacsaró gépünk is volt, ami nélkül nem élet az élet Szicíliában :) … Ha egy kis békességre vágysz, Gangiban megtalálod! A tulajdonossal nem találkoztunk, de minden úgy volt, ahogy megbeszéltük. A szomszédok és a boltosok mind nagyon kedvesek voltak, úgy fogadtak bennünket, mint régi ismerősöket. Kérdezték mi is vettünk-e házat Gangiban? Mondtuk, hogy nem, de lehet, hogy majd veszünk:) A táj békés, a város gyönyörű, a hegytetőről tisztán látszott az Etna, kár, hogy csak az után tört ki, hogy eljöttünk Szicíliából:) Keressétek meg tejautomatát a San Paolo templom közelében, ha szeretitek a friss házi tejet! Sorra jártuk a környező többi várost is. Mindegyik egy hegytetőre épült – de mindnek más a hangulata. Megjártuk tengert is, elautózunk Cefaluba, ami nincs messze, de a sok látnivaló miatt csak ebédre értünk oda. Visszafelé egy másik utat választottunk, az, ha lehet, még szebb volt, mint az odaút. Gangiban megállt az idő, de a mi szabadságunk letelt, szóval végül muszáj volt hazajönnünk …

5. Back in time (István FŐZY) 2016-05-18 10:10:04

Gangi is an amazing hilltop town, no words can describe the beauty of the old city, and Bellagangi Art House is a great place to stay... It combines tradition with all the comfort we needed. To be honest, it was a challenge to find the house within the labyrinth of the alleyways of Gangi – we arrived late in the evening… But once you are inside, you will love the flat, for sure. It is a massive, stone built, multi-storey home, ideal for a group of friends, or a family with elder children. The bedrooms are situated on different levels, but there is also a friendly place which serves as a living room. The small, but very well equipped kitchen is on the top of the building, and it offers an amazing view over the city, which has a strong medieval appearance. Some of the stone buildings date back before the time of Columbus! People of Gangi are friendly, and the entire place is peaceful. Try the Trattoria Sant'Anna, which is only a few minutes from your stay; ask for “antipasti mix” and you cannot finish it alone, I’m sure … The town is far from the crowed beaches, but you can easily reach the Tyrrhenian Sea (Castel di Tusa, or Cefalú). On the empty and winding way to the sea you may a stop at Castelbuono – another beautiful old city –, or have a picnic in the magic cork oak forest. Italians call it “suber” – you will recognise the special trees even from the car … We had only three days in Gangi, but we plan to return in the future!

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